SPA Hotel Usma


SPA Hotel Usma

SPA Hotel Usma

SPA Hotel Usma - t's a quali­ty and comfort of countryside hospitality! In between Riga and Ventspils ­in Kur­ze­mes forest -si­de ­at ­the ­bank ­of ­Usmas ­lake ­there ­you ­will ­be wai­ting ­a lei­su­re com­plex - SPA ­Hotel ­"Usma" ­and ­"Usmas cam­ping".

­You ­can arran­ge ­a con­fe­ren­ces, ­you ­can ­make ­your ­health bet­ter ­and ­spend ­a roman­tic holi­da­ys, ­also ­relax ­with ­your fami­ly.­ SPA ­Hotel ­"Usma" ­offers ­a shel­ter ­for ­the ­night ­for ­about 30 per­sons.

Bre­ak­fast ­and swim­ming -­ pool ­with exer­cise ­units ­in ­the mor­ning ­are inc­lu­ded ­in ­price ­for over­night ­stay.­ The Cam­ping ­can accom­mo­da­te ­up ­to 150 ­guests. ­The Cam­ping ­offers dif­fe­rent rec­re­a­tion pos­si­bi­lit­ies.

­Camp ­sites, trai­ler par­king avai­la­ble, 56 ­bed pla­ces, dif­fe­rent acti­ve rec­re­a­tion faci­lit­ies. ­The Cam­ping ­is open­ed ­from 1­st ­May ­to 1­st Octo­ber. ­In ­SPA ­Hotel ­Usma com­plex ­you ­will ­get:

  • SPA mas­sa­ge
  • Swim­ming-po­ol(6x11m) ­with cas­ca­de, back-stre­am, underwa­ter mas­sa­ges;
  • Cold ­pool;
  • 3 dif­fe­rent bathes-ste­am ­baths ­with ­color the­ra­py, ­music ­and ­with fra­gran­ce ­of euca­ly­ptus. ­Soft ­and ­wet ­aroma ­baths ­with ­honey ­aroma ­and clas­si­cal ­sauna;
  • Showers - Tro­pi­cal, "Mid­night ­rain" ­and „­Polar ­wink".


Breakfast and swimming - pool with exercise units in the morning are included in price for overnight stay.  

on-line reservation

Logo SPA Hotel Usma
Address:"Priežkalni", Usma parish, Ventspils district, Latvia, LV-3619
Phone:+371 63673654; +371 26334500
Site:home page